I wandered into the greenhouse the other day. I’ve been trying to stay out of it to keep the warmth in since it’s been so cold lately. But it was calling me. I went in and checked on the plants. Made sure they got some water if they needed it.
Some of the plants needed some cleaning up – dead matter removed, etc. I wandered around and let me show you what it looks like. This is both sides of the greenhouse. You can see the the brown vegetation from the dormant plants that need to be cleaned off as well as some other general cleanup that I need to do. In the back you can also see the Crescent Garden planters I talked about in this post.
I’ve had the greenhouse up for a couple of years now so this is my second winter with it. I’m still working out the details on how to make it work for me, but I am loving it’s ability.
I bring in all of my outdoor plants that need to be overwintered indoors. I have quite a few plants and berry bushes that haven’t made it into the ground yet and are thriving in greenhouse. I have a few raspberry bushes and I was eating raspberries from the greenhouse about a month before the ones in the garden were ready. As well as the blueberries. And the birds don’t get them.
Once things start putting on new growth, I will do a more in depth post about the plants in there.
I have what I like to call gutter strawberries. I”ll do another post on how I did those. However, if you know strawberries, they need a little cleanup in the Spring as their leaves die off over winter and look like this.
I removed the dead leaves and cleaned up the plants a bit. They now look like this.
All cleaned up and ready for new growth and spring berries. And look at the new growth popping out on the berry bushes below. Won’t be long before we see berries growing on these bushes.
I did trim up the raspberry bushes and some of the other plants. As soon as I get them all done, I will post some before and afters so you can see what I did. I still have quite a bit more cleaning up to do with these plants but you get the idea.
Do you have some plants that are in need of some winter cleanup? Now is the time to do it as Spring and new growth are right around the corner.