In the current state of affairs I know many of you are deciding to dive in and start growing a food garden and others are extending their existing one to grow more. I applaud you.
In the current state of affairs I know many of you are deciding to dive in and start growing a food garden and others are extending their existing one to grow more. I applaud you.
(more…)In this current state of affairs, I thought it prudent to get back into making my own bread. I love homemade bread. I was raised on it. I love when I make it. It tastes delicious.
(more…)In my post last year about planting 2000+ spring bulbs which you can read here, I mentioned how most of them were purchased at Walmart and the rest were purchased online from Jackson & Perkins.
(more…)I plant a lot of flowers and vegetables so I have always kept an assortment of seeds. I buy seed packets from the stores when I think I need something new or I see something on clearance I may want to try or need.
(more…)Since I had some raspberries in the garden and a couple of jars of peaches that didn’t seal (see my post on canning peaches here), it only seemed fitting to make a raspberry peach cobbler. Actually it’s more of a crisp than a cobbler.
(more…)I’m a canner. I love to can my own fruit and enjoy the fruits (pun intended) of my labor all winter long.
I grew up canning. My mother canned, and still does a little bit. Her mother canned. It is a family thing.
(more…)Son No. 3 – the baby of the family – turns 28 today. My how time flies.
(more…)Son No. 2 turns 30 today. BIG 30. So hard to believe it’s been that long.
(more…)A lot of gardeners like to purposely plan out their beds down to the exact plant they want in a space and how many. By doing so that creates a very well laid out garden, more in the line of a formal garden. And they look wonderful!
(more…)I was having a discussion with a friend not long ago about essential oils and how they work to do so much and how they compare with medications.