Essential Oils, Garden, Tips/Crafts/Home Remedies

Oils and Dirt – What do They Have in Common?

I was having a discussion with a friend not long ago about essential oils and how they work to do so much and how they compare with medications. 

First off, I am not a doctor nor am I educated in the field of medicine in any way whatsoever other than by my own experiences.

I told my friend that I believe oils work just the opposite of medications.  Medications are (for the most part) a band-aid.  They fix the symptom.  They mask the symptoms. They don’t fix the problem.  Sometimes they add to the problem.  One is then taking medications to counterbalance the effects of medications and around the circle you go. 

Essential oils don’t fix the problem either.  However, they work to balance the body so that the body can fix itself.  Our bodies are miraculous.  If we give them a chance.  We overload our bodies with so much foreign stuff – drugs (prescription or otherwise), chemicals in society — in the air we breathe, the items we touch, the so called “food” we eat.  Even if you choose to eat naturally and high amounts of produce, our land is so degraded and the seeds from the produce grown in it are lacking in nutrients from years of reproduction in nutrientless, chemical laden soil, that eating healthy, isn’t healthy enough.

Medications strip the good as well as the bad from our systems.  Our bodies are then left with a weak immune system that not only needs to keep fighting the bad germs, but also now needs to fight off the negative effects of the medications. 

Our soil is the same way.  We band-aid our gardens by adding a fertilizer.  All that does is give immediate specific nutrients to the plants.  It does not replenish the nutrients in the soil.  We need to fix the soil.  Add in natural organic mulch and soil mixes.  Compost those produce and plant clippings and add them back to the soil.  Fix the soil by adding in whole complex nutrients so that the plant can use what it needs and the soil is left still naturally fortified to grow a different plant.  Why grow and eat your own vegetables if all you are getting is a beautiful non-nutritive specimen.

Essential oils do the same thing.  Essential oils are a highly concentrated version of the healthy parts of plants that help our bodies to be in balance so they can do their job and fight the bad guys. 

Let’s say you have anxiety.  When you are anxious, you are stressed out.  When you are stressed out, it puts your heart in danger.  If your heart is in danger, you could have a heart attack.  If you are stressed out, you can’t think clearly.  You can’t make positive decisions.  Your body is going in circles trying to best help you but no matter where it turns, it is met with disruptive issues that are not healthy.

So you take anxiety medication.  Yes, it may calm you down.  You may feel better.  However,  what effect is it having on your heart?  Your head?  Other parts of your body?  Is it making you tired? 

What if you were to take an essential oil or combination of oils to relieve that stress?  It could be taken via inhalation in a diffuser.  It could be taken topically such as rolled on your wrists.  Some of them can even be taken internally.  Essential oils will give you the calming feeling without the negative factors of a medication.  And then it will enable your body to learn how to function properly without being forced to repair itself while ingesting toxins and getting stuck in the circle.

Now I’m not saying to give up medications.  Some people need their medications to survive, to fight off an infection, to beat that nasty element that is attacking their bodies.  I understand that.   However, essentials oils can be used in conjunction with medications to help the body to deal with negative effects of the medication and to build it’s immunity to help the medication fight the fight against the disease.

Soil enrichment and cell enrichment. Kind of the same thing.

Do your body a favor. Use drugless medications whenever possible and feed your body nutrient rich foods that you maybe grew yourself. Put the health back in healthy and see how it makes you feel.

If you would like information on essential oils, please let me know and I will be happy to share my knowledge with you as a Wellness Advocate of doTerra Essential Oils.

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