
New Bed and Summer Bulbs

Spring bulbs, Summer bulbs, Fall bulbs – how confusing can it be?  It’s really not that confusing.  The season the flower grows and blooms, is the season of the bulb.  Spring bulbs, although planted in the Fall, come out of the ground and bloom in the Spring.  Hence Spring bulbs.  Summer bulbs are planted in the Spring and bloom in the Summer.  Hence Summer bulbs.  Fall bulbs?  Well there really isn’t a Fall bulb.  Some people call Spring bulbs Fall bulbs because they plant them in the Fall but that’s not accurate.

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Seed Starting My Way

I like to get a jump start on my seed starting but don’t always get that accomplished. Some things just take sooo long to sprout and grow in order to have a decent sized plant before planting time, that if I don’t start things in January, they just don’t have time to get as big as I would like before they go out in the yard. Living in a relatively short growing season area, the more growth I can get out of plant before it goes outside, the better.

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2,083 Spring Bulbs

Yep, you read that right. I planted 2,083 spring bulbs.

I love spring bulbs – tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and many more.  However, they need to be planted in the Fall and my Falls tend to be a bit busy.  It’s getting colder, days are getting shorter, garden cleanup is happening, harvest is ending.  Anyway, this year I thought I would do it.  I bought over 2000 spring bulbs and planted them in batches. 

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Planting Garlic

Although I have grown garlic a bit in the past, I never gave it much attention (or probably even planted it correctly), however this year I decided to take the plunge.  I don’t know how many cloves I planted (forgot to count), however, there are approximately 100 cloves of garlic planted 10 per row.  Two rows are shown in the picture.  This garden bed is 3 x 8 feet.  I made the rows horizontally across the short end of the bed. 

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