Essential Oils

Essential Oils – My Rekindled Love

Many years ago I stumbled into essential oils.  I was a single parent of 3 young rambunctious boys. Although I don’t recall how I was initiated to their existence, I believe I was researching aromatherapy

and alternative avenues to deal with ADHD issues and other things that could help my boys deal with life.

I ordered a small kit from a company called “Birch Hill Happenings” which included about 5 or 6 bottles of oils and also a sampler kit of about 20 tiny little bottles of various oils.  I subscribed to their email and read boat loads of information.  Lavender was always my favorite and would use it often.  Melaleuca (Tea Tree) would get used occasionally.  There were others.  I would create bug repellant to protect us when camping or hiking.  I had a small clay pot diffuser that I would put a few drops of oil in that I thought would be helpful for whatever issue was prevalent at that time.  If nothing else, it made the house smell nice.

I would talk about them endlessly, to mostly family, expressing my new found knowledge and excitement for the wonders that they can do.  I could not convince any of them to try them out, let alone absorb any of the information I was learning.  Throughout the years I would still use them and spout on about their worthiness knowing full well no one would jump on board.  That was okay.  I had learned through many years of newfound differences that everyone has to learn at their own pace.  Someday all of these words on healthy living with essential oils, coconut oil, raw food, etc. (more on those in another blog) would come full circle and they would get it.  But in their own time, when they were ready to hear and acknowledge it.

Now mind you, when I started in the oils, they weren’t as prevalent as they are now, or at least not that I was aware of. Of the major essential oil companies, Young Living started in 1993 and doTerra in 2008.   Although I still used them occasionally, they weren’t at the forefront of my choices.  Also, as a newly single parent of 3, money and time wasn’t exactly overflowing – actually it was overflowing out of my possession – money to bills, time to work and family and kids’ activities.  I didn’t have a lot of time and money to put into this type of endeavor, but I did read a lot about it and implemented it when I could.

In the meantime oils gained popularity and some great companies popped up.  I continued to dabble in their existence and shared with family and friends when the occasion arose. Sneak them to people in various ways such as making bath bombs and facial scrubs as Christmas gifts one year.  Everyone loved them.

Fast forward to a few years ago.  My sister-in-law, who always was adamant that they could not do her any good, was introduced to doTerra.  She tried a few things based on the recommendation of friends and she was hooked.  She was hooked not because they are a great or popular oil, not because everyone else was doing it, but because they worked.  She tried all kinds of oils in all kinds of forms on her family and had wonderful results.  She decided to become a doTerra advocate. 

I started getting a few oils from her.  At one point she asked me if I wanted to become an advocate.  I didn’t.  Didn’t want to deal with being a rep.  Just wanted oils when I had a use for them.  We left it at that.

So this past summer, I decided I wanted to get back into oils on a deeper level.  My bag of oils needed organization.  I ordered a storage kit and loaded it up with what few oils I had.  So much nicer.  Throughout this time my sis-in-law would post about her spoil events for anyone who wanted to get free samples and learn more.  I always passed because I knew about oils.  I didn’t want to take that opportunity away from someone who was new to it.

Then in November she asked me if I would like to join the upcoming event.  Since it was a personal invitation, I took her up on it.  And I am so glad I did.  It was just the kick I needed to reignite my love of oils.  At the end of that week long spoil event, I knew I wanted to become a doTerra advocate. 

The following week I got all signed up and registered and am now a full fledged doTerra Wellness Advocate.  The things I am learning are astronomical.  My use of oils has increased substantially.  The effects I see on others that I am sharing this path with are amazing.

The spoil events occur every month.  If you would like to be spoiled, let me know and we can get you in on the next round.  You will receive a packet of 7 oil samples and 2 other doTerra products.  You will be included in a private Facebook page for just the members of your spoil group.  On that Facebook page you will watch a 10 minute video posted daily to learn about the oils in your sampler pack and hear other subscribers stories of the benefits they have experienced.  You can also be eligible to win free oils or products for having watched and commented on the videos.  If you have ever been intrigued by this essential oil craze, this would be an awesome opportunity to learn a bit and see how they can benefit you and your loved ones.  Or if you are past that point and would like to become a doTerra advocate yourself, I can help you there.

Do you use essential oils? What is your favorite blend?

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